Organic Marjoram Essential Oil – Zongle Therapeutics

Organic Marjoram Essential Oil

Posted by Zongle Therapeutics on


Hesitant in using an essential oil topically and internally? Can’t decide which one to use? Don’t worry! Zongle Therapeutics Marjoram Essential oil is all you need. Essential oil is the right choice if you’re looking for something natural. They work wonders for your overall health and wellbeing and leave a positive impact on your overall lifestyle. Thus, instead of spending handsome amount on conventional products, go for something natural and long-lasting. Be consistent in using Marjoram and you will never be disappointed by the results. Keep reading to know about this amazing herb and its incredible oil.

Marjoram, also known as ‘wintergreen’ or ‘joy of the mountains’, is a perennial herb indigenous to Mediterranean region. The scientific name of Marjoram is Origanum Marjorana. It is a member of Lamiaceae family. It is just like Oregano but these two are different in taste and texture. Oregano is commonly known as ‘wild marjoram’ whereas marjoram is known as ‘sweet marjoram’. Due to the name ‘the joy of the mountains’ given to Marjoram, it is used in wedding ceremonies, because it spreads happiness, as well as during death, as a sign of post-life happiness. Furthermore, Marjoram is known as the ‘Goose Herb’ in Germany because of its traditional use in roasting geese. However, Greek mythologists believe that Aphrodite, the Goddess of love, loved Marjoram and was a fan of this wonderful herb which is why it was used to make love potions. Roman mythologists had another belief. They thought that Venus, the Goddess of love, brought Marjoram to earth as a reminder of her own beauty. Also, it related to the prophetic dreams in folklore. It was believed that if a woman wants to see her future husband, she should place a sprig of Marjoram on her pillow before falling asleep. Traditionally, it was believed that Marjoram protects against the evil when placed in a house or grown in a garden and repels ghosts, spells, witches, etc. Thus, people placed a sprig in their homes or hung over the doorway of a home in order to be free of such problems.

The essential oil of this amazing herb is extracted by steam distillation of both fresh and dried leaves of the Marjoram plant or ‘knotted Marjoram’. The color of the oil of Marjoram is pale yellow and it has a woody, sweet and earthy scent which adds up to the wonders it provides us with. It has been used historically due to its myriad benefits. The ancient Greeks considered it to be a symbol of happiness and used it to create wreaths and garlands for both weddings and funerals. It possesses a special reputation as it has the ability to spice up stews, soups, dressings, and meat dishes. It is being used in the kitchen for centuries around the world. Both the fresh and the dried version of Marjoram can be added to meat and vegetables. Besides its culinary usage, it can also be used for medicinal purposes. Internally, it may promote cardiovascular health, immune health, healthy hormonal balance and healthy digestion. Aromatically, it can be utilized for its positive effects on the mind. It has calming effects on mind when inhaled and has warm and woody aroma promoting a soothing environment. Along with these benefits, it is also said that Marjoram has emotional benefits. It helps in building healthy relations and is good for anyone who has trust issues. It is believed that the herb helps you feel safe. However, to what extent this can be true is yet not proved.

You must be wondering about the chemical properties of this amazing oil. Knowing about the chemical properties of a product is very important because the benefits it provides are all due to these properties. Marjoram includes, A-terpinene, Sabinene, Y-terpinene, P-cymene, Terpinolene, Linalool, Cis-sabinene hydrate, Linalyl acetate, Terpinen-4-ol, Y-terpineol.


Marjoram has many notable attributes due to which it is well-known since a long time. Including the above-mentioned benefits, it has several others as mentioned below:

Top 8 benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil

  1. Relieves Minor Pain

Tired of experiencing minor pains? Want to get rid of them? Put your hands on one of the best essential oils that does wonders when it comes to minor pains. Marjoram is believed to reduce pain associated with non-disease states such as muscle pain or neck tension. Masseuse usually includes Marjoram essential oil in their massage lotions or creams. One of the reasons is that it influences your body and mind positively is due to its enticing sweet fragrance. Moreover, it has no side effects unlike over-the-counter pain relievers.

  1. Supports Hormonal Balance

Hormones perform essential functions throughout the body. Once the hormones are disturbed, it gets very difficult to bring the system back into harmony. They control our body and dramatically affect our health, bodies and our happiness. Women can understand how hormonal imbalance can make you feel sad. Hence, Marjoram is what you should count on. It works the best for women of all ages to support and improve hormonal balance. Moreover, it is a natural remedy to keep any factors that affect hormones at bay. So, being a woman, it is your responsibility to keep a check on your hormones and maintain them with every possible way you can. Use Marjoram tea for any kind of hormonal problem and stay happy and healthy.

  1. Digestive Health

Everyone experiences occasional digestive problems such as occasional upset stomach. However, you can have a positive impact on your health if you change your eating habits. Marjoram can help you big time to improve your digestion. The scent of this herb works for the primary digestion of food and the oil helps you to digest food. Therefore, if you’re suffering from any digestive problem, include Marjoram in your meal and make your life easier.

  1. Healthy Blood Sugar Level

Maintaining healthy blood sugar level is often very difficult due to our unhealthy eating habits and our hectic routine. Approximately 415 billion people around the world face unhealthy blood sugar level. Marjoram is the best choice for those who want to have a healthy life. Studies prove that it is good to add Marjoram in your diet plan if you want to have healthy blood sugar level. Additionally, dry Marjoram, Rosemary and Oregano works as an inhibitor of the enzyme called protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B). Not only this, greenhouse-grown Marjoram along with the extracts of rosemary and Mexican oregano are also found to be the best inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV). Therefore, including Marjoram in an already balanced diet can help you manage blood sugar.

  1. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Healthy cardiovascular system is an essential part of our overall wellbeing. Maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system is not a piece of cake. But, if you have a healthy eating routine, you can be successful in having a healthy cardiovascular system. Due to abundant antioxidants, Marjoram is excellent in keeping the cardiovascular system as well as the entire body healthy. In addition to this, the omega-3 fatty acids support healthy cholesterol levels. Therefore, make Marjoram your friend and enjoy the benefits it provides.

  1. Reduces Anxious Feelings

Tired of feeling sad and anxious? Marjoram is there to help you in all regards. It influences your body positively due to its sweet fragrance and induces calming and relaxing effect on the mind. Moreover, people having difficulty in sleeping can benefit from this amazing oil. Pour a few drops of Marjoram oil on your pillow and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

  1. Promotes better sleep

Who doesn’t want to have a serene and good night’s sleep? After a tiring day, each and everyone of us wants to relax our minds. Well, you can always achieve this feeling. All you need is to add Marjoram in your daily routine. The woody and earthy scent of Marjoram leads to a proper sleep at night. Marjoram has sedative, soothing properties which help you sleep. Its scent creates a positive and peaceful environment which helps every individual who occasionally faces trouble falling or staying asleep to sleep properly. Diffuse Marjoram essential oil in your room 20 minutes before going to bed. Also, you can make a mixture of a few drops of Marjoram essential oil and water and add it to the spray bottle. Spray your bedsheets and pillowcases with this mixture and enjoy a peaceful sleep.

  1. Helps with debloating

Many of us feel bloated which causes discomfort such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, stomachache, chest pain, hypertension, etc. It irritates you and makes you feel very uncomfortable. So, if you want to get rid of this problem add Marjoram to your routine. Marjoram is known to help with debloating by soothing the muscles in the abdominal region. Thus, make Marjoram your friend and avail the tons of advantages it has to offer.  

Final Thought:

Marjoram oil, due to its tremendous benefits, is being used since a long time and is a well-known oil. It plays an important role in the health and wellbeing of a person. Therefore, include this amazing oil in your life without any second thoughts and treat yourself with what you deserve.

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