Can Essential Oils Help With Hives?
Posted by Zongle Therapeutics on
What can be worse than an itching and burning sensation on your body?
Hello Wellness Fam, today we're going to talk about hives! Ever heard of it or experienced it before? Hives are an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps on the skin. They appear out of nowhere sometimes because of reaction or allergens. However, it gets worse if you scratch them. In fact, if not relieved in time they may continue to drive you crazy and make life difficult for you!
But has STRESS ever helped with anything? Nope!! right? So don't stress at all!
There are hundreds of people going through chronic hives and it's completely normal if you want to do away with them asap. In case the situation has already gotten worse due to scratching you might want to see a dermatologist. Or if you've tiny ones, try relieving the itch with USDA Certified Organic Essential Oils 💯
Below are some of the reasons that might cause you hives:
✔️ Insect stings or bites
✔️ Different medications
✔️ Stress
✔️ Exposure to sun
✔️ Foods that trigger allergies

Here is a blend of Essential Oils that can help you do away with scratchy-itchy hives.
✅ 3 drops of Frankincense EO
✅ 3 drops of Peppermint EO
✅ 7 drops of Lavender EO
✅ 1 drop of Lemon EO
✅ 1/2 Cup Fractionated Coconut Oil
✔️ Take 7 ounces of chilled water in a jar.
✔️ Add all the Oils and mix well.
✔️ Take a cotton ball and apply it on the affected areas.
✔️ Repeat as many times as you want.
Get an instant soothing effect to relieve that tingling itch.
Happy DIYing! 😊