Let's Heal The Heels – Zongle Therapeutics

Let's Heal The Heels

Posted by Zongle Therapeutics on

Hello Familia & welcome back! 

Cracked heels are one of the least bothering issues when it comes to pampering your body. But when noticed, cracked heels tell a lot about one's self-care!  

We put in so much effort to have that perfect photoshopped like face without even having to use a filter - because DUH! Selfies - they are all about your face 🙂 

Feet might be the last part of the body we think of including in personal care regimen but not in any way the least important part of the body.  

Did you know there are multiple reasons for your heels to get cracked and not heal? It can be because of your obesity inducing diet, dry & cold weather, prolonged standing or maybe you’re not wearing the right shoe size. 

Let's Heal The Heels

All this weight and pressure causes the fat in your feet to expand sideways which causes the skin to crack. If not taken care of, these cracks become dry and painful and make them look awful overall. So, today we thought of sharing with you some essential oils that you can use topically (diluted with a carrier oil) to heal your heels by generating new skin cells and rejuvenating the skin beneath. 

For Cracks to heal faster: 

  • Use 100% pure cotton socks. 
  • Wear your exact shoe size. 
  • Apply petroleum jelly or other emollients to coat your skin and protect it from damage. 
  • After or before shower, soak your feet in lukewarm water for 15-20 minutes and then scrub off the dead skin using a pumice stone. 

Also, if you have any heel care routine that you follow, please share them with us 🙂 

Happy Heels to You! 

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