Get Ready To Wax Them Out!
Posted by Zongle Therapeutics on
Hey guys, let’s wax today! We have all had this horrific dream, where we continue to stay at home and one fine day when ALL OF THIS IS OVER, we step outside on a bright sunny day, and the next-door neighbors give us a strange stare when they greet us with, “Did you move out here recently?”. All because they’re unable to recognize us, as we have a little longer mustache, and chunky thick eyebrows!
Let’s Say Goodbye to the Male Versions of ourselves that we've grown into and embraced in Quarantine 🤩

Who doesn’t want to look GOOD the same old way? Let’s bring those golden, silky, hairless skin days back with a DIY homemade WAX infused with essential oils that will not only make your skin glow but also 10X the joy with its aromatic components while we remove those unwanted hairs!
Have you taken any time out to groom yourself?
Happy DIYing! 😊