DIY Under Eye Cream – Zongle Therapeutics

DIY Under Eye Cream

Posted by Zongle Therapeutics on

Are you having dark, puffy, wrinkly under eyes?  

No this is NOT an advertorial.  

We're seriously concerned. If you're someone who loves taking care of their skin and applying tons of beauty products including under eye creams to brighten them up, we would say you're doing a good job! 

DIY Under Eye Cream

There are so many people who literally won't bother and then later in their life complain about early signs of aging. So, if you're someone who's already convinced that you should be taking care of your skin, then we're glad. BUT…the question is, for how long you will use these creams. They come with preservatives, chemicals, are super expensive and many of the ingredients in there are causing DAMAGE to your skin in the long run. Especially under eye creams that contain endocrine disruptors and carcinogens. For those who're completely unaware of them, endocrine disruptors are harmful compounds that interfere with our hormonal system. This is like a slow poison for your skin and may promote development of life-threatening diseases, reduce fertility and damage overall development too. Similar is the case with carcinogens, their exposure to skin is dangerous!!! 

Under eyes being the most sensitive part of our face, must therefore be taken care of organically. That's why we're bringing to you this UNDER EYE CREAM which uses USDA Certified Organic EOs and COs. You'll see the startling results for yourself and forget these commercial products forever. 


10 ml roller bottle. 

Frankincense essential oil (reduces appearance of wrinkles, restores elasticity, and repair skin discoloration). 

Lavender essential oil (cools and soothes under eyes & drains the liquid stored in them). 

Lemon essential oil (lightens and renews the skin around eyes). 

Sweet Almond oil (nourishes the skin, protects from UV rays, & makes skin flawless). 


Take 10 ml roller bottle. 

Add 10 drops of each Frankincense, Lavender, and Lemon essential oils. 

Top it off with Sweet Almond oil. 


Happy DIYing! 😊 

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